Ages 3 - Grade 5
Fill Out Buddies Form



Ages 3 - Grade 5

The Buddies Room is a specially designed space for children who need extra attention and support. Our dedicated and compassionate team provides a safe, nurturing environment tailored to meet the unique needs of each child. With personalized care, sensory-friendly activities, and one-on-one assistance, we ensure that every child can participate in church programs and experience God's love in a way that suits them best. We help with transitions, social situations, emotional well-being and regulation. The Buddies Room fosters inclusion, growth, and joy, helping all children feel valued and connected within our church community.

Buddies meet during all of our Sunday Services!

VIVA Church
Day & Time:
During Sunday Services & Some Special Services
Fill Out Buddies Form
Fill Out Buddies Form

For your child to join the Buddies program, please fill out the Buddies Form.