Dedication Sunday
We dedicate infants and young children as a decision made based on the parents' faith.
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Details about

Dedication Sunday

We dedicate infants and young children as a decision made based on the parents' faith.
What Is It?

At VIVA Church, we dedicate infants and young children as a decision made based on the parents' faith, as Samuel was dedicated to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1:21-28.

Dedicating your child to the Lord involves three commitments made in faith:

  1. to teach your child the ways of the Lord
  2. to teach them the importance of prayer, worship and the word
  3. to bring them to the House of God.

If you are ready to make these commitments as parents, please proceed in completing the registration. Contact for more information about dedications.

How Often Does It Happen:
Once a Season During Our Sunday Services
VIVA Church
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