Growth Track 01
Intro to basic doctrine
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Growth Track 01

Intro to basic doctrine
Course Details

Growth Track 01 is an eight-week, eight-session course in basic doctrine theology designed to lay a strong foundation for your spiritual journey. This course covers essential aspects of Christian faith and practice, starting with "Made Brand New," which explores the transformative power of becoming a new creation in Christ. In "Understanding the Bible," you'll learn how to read and interpret the scriptures effectively. "Prayer" delves into the importance and practice of communicating with God. "The Local Church" session highlights the role and significance of the church community, while "Obstacles to Growth" addresses common challenges believers face and how to overcome them. "Church Ordinances" explains the biblical basis and importance of practices such as communion and baptism. "Sharing Your Faith" equips you with tools and confidence to evangelize, and "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" explores the empowering work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. This comprehensive course is designed to help you grow in faith and knowledge, equipping you for a vibrant spiritual life.

How Often Does It Run:
Wednesdays from 6:45-8pm
VIVA Church
Course Fee:
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